Childhood & Adolescents
Dr. Udewitz’s work with children and adolescents help them acquire practical and powerful skills that can be applied over a lifetime. Treatment approaches are offered in a caring and supportive environment to help them conquer a wide array of problems.

Dr. Udewitz’s work with children and adolescents help them acquire practical and powerful skills that can be applied over a lifetime.
Biofeedback is a fun and exciting technique for children to learn stress management and relaxation, improve symptoms of attention deficit disorder and reduce physical complaints.
- Anxiety: Anxiety in a variety of situations is a normal part of growing up. Children are constantly tested with new academic and social challenges that may cause stress.
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is characterized by either obsessive thoughts and/or unwanted repetitive behaviors.
- Depression: Depression is often difficult to diagnose in children. Children may manifest similar depressive symptoms as adults such as excessive sleep or loss of appetite or they may seem more irritable and angry.
- Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects children and adults, limiting the capacity to sustain focus in often highly creative and energetic individuals.
- Selective Mutism: Children and adolescents with selective mutism do not speak to most other people, even though they are comfortable speaking at home to their family and close friends.
- Sleep Difficulties: Sleep Difficulties are a common problem in childhood. Problems may include insomnia, nightmares, fear of the dark, and reluctance to sleep alone.
- Anger Management / Oppositionalism: Anger Management and Oppositionalism are some of the biggest challenges that parents have to face with their children. These problems are often correlated with a child’s difficulties in relating to people in his or her environment.
- Performance Anxiety: Performance Anxiety (Tests, Public Speaking, etc.) can be a problem that starts in childhood and can continue throughout a person’s life.
- Phobias: Phobias are a highly treatable problem that can often be addressed through short-term therapy. Just about every child exhibits fear of certain situations or things.
- Stress Related Medical Problems: Stress Related Medical Problems are often misdiagnosed in children. Anxiety can be correlated with a child’s pain that may lead to more serious physical problems.
- Habits (Nail Biting, Hair Pulling, etc.): Habits like nail biting and hair twirling are common in childhood and can often extend into adulthood. When the problem becomes excessive or unhealthy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy can often be helpful in reducing symptoms.